Graciela Sacco. From the series The Things They Took with Them: Mouthful, 1999.

Diaspore Italiane. Italy in movement

4th International Symposium

November 28th – November 30th, 2022

Borders between us and the others. The right to migrate as a human right. Transits, experiences and imaginaries.

The Fourth Edition of this Symposium aims to gather researchers and professionals dedicated to exploring the theme of the Italian diaspora from the period of mass migrations to the present day. The goal is to resume the debates of previous meetings, i.e., the diaspora from a transnational and transcultural perspective, to reflect on the historical and present dimension of the right to migrate as a human right, and to create study networks that will further expand upon the topic through collaborative projects.

About Us:

The network Diaspore Italiane. Italy in movement is conformed by the CO.AS.IT. de Melbourne (Italian Assitance Association); John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY (Nueva York); MuMa Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni de Genova; MUNTREF Museo de la Inmigración de Buenos Aires. 

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